Friday, October 28, 2016

A glimpse inside

Pardon our dust, but we couldn't wait to share how things are shaping up on the second floor. 

One of the main corridors leading from our current building into the expansion. 
Same area, the doorways into what will be group study rooms.
Tile detailing and pops of color surround some doorways. 
An executive classroom features floor to ceiling windows.

The commons area promises great views.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Progress in pictures

Work proceeds on the facade.

Indoor and outdoor stairs in progress.

View from in front of the Wells Library.

Plaza paving nears completion.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Parking lot changes and building updates

 From Chad Sweatman, Manager, Building Support Services:

  • Be advised that the traffic pattern to the SPEA parking lot will change back to the lane closest to the building early this week. Workers will be excavating and installing a steam line on the north side of the lot.
  • The construction trailer will be moved starting at 5 a.m. Friday morning. The trailer will end up on the east side of the lot in the row near the trash dumpsters. They will begin taping off the area Thursday evening and request no vehicles be parked in that area so the move can be completed.
  • Our elevator refurbishment project will start next week. One elevator will be in service while work takes place on the other. I believe the duration of the project will last about a month.
  • Those with cool office areas can expect warmer temps late next week. Work will finish up on the reheat system and it will be back in service.
  • Window installation will finish this week. The building envelope will be sealed.
  • Preparations are underway to start up the new air handling system for the Graduate Center.
  • Limestone will be installed in the courtyard this week as well as the last of the pavers.
  • Bids were accepted on the Kelley Career Center build out last week. Work will begin after the utility relocation project is complete. Weddle Brothers won the contract so the construction trailer in the parking lot will remain until the career center is complete.
  • Our emergency generator will be replaced sometime this winter. The new generator will sit on the concrete pad near our loading dock. Some of the slanted metal roofing near the handicapped parking will need to be removed on the north side of the building to crane out the old generator.

Monday, October 3, 2016

RPS Cafés: Fall Break Hours

Plan your snacking and caffeine intake accordingly.

Thursday, October 6
Closes at 4 p.m.

Friday, October 7
Hodge Hall
Thursday, October 6
Closes at 5 p.m.

Friday, October 7