Friday, January 29, 2016

What's that smell?

Today, from Chad Sweatman, Manager, Building Support Services:

Workers will be performing some maintenance on our first floor air handling unit early this morning.  They will be using some lubricant in this process. You may notice this smell when the unit is put back into service. It should last a short time. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Forward Together to the ceremonial groundbreaking!

While physical work on the O’Neill Center began last week, we joined to commemorate the groundbreaking ceremonially today.

We began with hot chocolate, then SPEA faculty, staff, and students headed across the street for a group photo with the SPEA building—in the process of deconstruction to make way for improvements—as the back drop.

Photographer Kendall Reeves sets up the shot.

With shovels, Dean John D. Graham (left), Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Kirsten Grønbjerg,
and Executive Associate Dean Michael McGuire at the front.

From there, led by Bob Kravchuk, director of the MPA Program (left),  Grønbjerg, and McGuire—a group of about 150 made their way to the IU Auditorium for the official IU groundbreaking ceremony.

Watch the ceremony online»
Read the news release»

Kravchuk, Grønbjerg, and McGuire lead the way.

A procession follows.

With music provided by the IU Jacobs School of Music Jazz ensemble featuring Monika G.M. Herzig, senior lecturer at SPEA, university luminaries spoke highly about SPEA—our faculty, our programs, our students, our good works—and the incredible building in the process of adjoining our academic home, culminating with a ceremonial breaking of ground.

IU Jacobs School of Music Jazz ensemble featuring Monika G.M. Herzig.
IU Trustees Philip N. Eskew Jr.(left) and Anna M. Williams (also a SPEA student), IU President Michael A. McRobbie,
and IU Provost Lauren Robel scoop the first shovels.

Followed by Daniel R. Esposito, MPA/MSES student and president of the SPEA Graduate Student Association, Yasmine El-Gohary, MPA student and 2015 organizer of the SPEA Auction and Gala, with Dean Graham. 

In case you couldn’t join us, here’s the front of the official program--we look forward to continuing to move Forward Together!

Monday, January 25, 2016

How do I get into the building?

The doors directly into SPEA from Tenth Street have been completely fenced off as of today for construction. If you are not entering the building from the rear parking lot, where the doors remain open, follow these directions:
You cannot get there from here.

Enter at the first set of doors that go into the Kelley School of Business Hodge Hall Undergraduate Center, immediately past the fencing, through the arch.

Make a left just as you enter the doors, then an immediate right up this ramp:

At the top, make another right, continuing past Kelley's Undergraduate Career Services Office.

And up the stairs into the second level of SPEA.

On your way out, back track and follow the exit signs.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Work has begun

January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016
January 21, 2016

January 22, 2016

Thursday, January 7, 2016

New year, new construction! Preparations begin this weekend.

Changes are coming, get ready and plan accordingly--exciting times are ahead. Here are some important updates from Executive Associate Dean Michael McGuire to help you navigate as preparation for SPEA's Paul H. O'Neill Graduate Center expansion and renovation project begins.

Work begins on Saturday, January 9

A construction fence and exterior signage will go up Saturday morning on the south and east side of the SPEA building, and the courtyard.

Fencing being installed on Saturday, January 9.

Changes to expect

With the construction comes some temporary inconveniences, such as entering and exiting the SPEA building. This is what we will find on Monday:
  • Access to SPEA from 10th Street will be through the first floor doors near the Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office. Take the stairs to the right up to the second floor. The stairs leading to the courtyard from 10th will be fenced off and unusable.
  • Access to SPEA from the north remains unchanged. The north stairs to the courtyard will remain open and the second floor west entrance and atrium entrance will remain open.
  • The red brick area of the courtyard will remain open throughout the project. The rest of the courtyard will be fenced and off limits for the duration of the project.
  • People parking in the 11th Street garage will find they cannot travel across the courtyard from the second level of the Kelley School of Business. They may take the stairs or elevator to the first floor and come up the ramp area towards the Info Commons into SPEA.
  • The second floor south doors exiting onto the courtyard will be barricaded. To exit south to 10th Street, travel down the stairs and exit through the doors on the left.
  • The bike racks at the front of the building will not be available for use. Use the new racks in the parking lot island, which has access from Fee Lane.
Signage within the Kelley School.